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Company > Social Actions

Being aware of its social responsibility is a fundamental matter for any company. Miracema-Nuodex is concerned about the social conditions in the community where it operates and spares no effort or investment in seeking to identify needs and helping to address them.

Financially or through other forms of involvement, we are active in campaigns and other actions intended to reduce needs and especially to bring “human warmth” to those who require it.

Main actions:
- Monthly donation to the Santos Dumont Recycling Cooperative in the community surrounding the company, which is a cooperative conceived and implemented by the residents of Jardim São José. Through it, trash is selected, separated and routed to recycling plants. Besides environmental preservation, the project aims at employment, and through such engagement, the social assimilation of the residents of the neighborhood. In addition to donating money, Miracema sends the cooperative 50% of the recyclable trash generated in the entire factory.

- Lectures on ecology at city schools with the participation of MIRECO, our mascot for the environment, which convey to primary school children concepts of environmental protection, recycling of materials, waste and ways of avoiding it, etc. On these occasions we distribute our sheet, “Ecological Attitude,” a newsletter created for the dissemination of messages and information on the environment.
- Sponsorship (monthly donation) of the league Clube de Futebol União São José, which brings together amateur soccer teams, encouraging children, teens and adults to join and get them involved in athletic activities. The larger focus of this project is care for children and teens, seeking not only their taking part in sports, but also cultivating awareness for citizenship (appreciation of rights and duties, formal education, ethics, morality, etc).

- Consórcio Bacia PCJ - Rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí – An NGO whose main objective is to promote environmental education, aimed at preservation of the basins of the rivers that flow through this region. Beyond this focus, it is also concerned with preservation of the environment as a whole, and each year a major project is executed.

- Monthly sponsorship of welfare, education and religious institutions in the area around the company, as well as for the city of Campinas as a whole.

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