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Publications > News > Miracema-Nuodex 65 Years Old


Miracema-Nuodex Indústria Química Ltda. was founded on May 10, 1954 in the city of Campinas, state of São Paulo.

Through the Liovac® brand product, Miracema-Nuodex was a pioneer in the production of additives for industrial lubricating oils, becoming the exclusive supplier for international oil companies.

It was the first company to formulate biocides in the country, upon signing a licensing and technology transfer agreement with Bode Chemie Hamburg. Thereafter, it began to produce bactericides and fungicides for a number of different applications through Coryna®, Liocide®, Liodoxin® and Liocynona® consolidated trademarks.

Miracema-Nuodex was the first chemical company in Brazil to receive ISO 9002 certification, on December 4, 1992, and today it is certified under ISO 9001:2015.

The company maintains complete laboratories for quality control, microbiology and research and development. Furthermore, it operates application laboratories for paints, oil industry and mining purposes.

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