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Products > Catalysts > Polyurethane and polyester resins


Chemically it is dibutyl-tin dilaurate – it was developed to activate the carboxylic and hydroxylic groups of the reaction components where it is used as a catalyst, and also has a more significant catalytic effect on the polymerization reaction between isocyanate and alcohol than on the expansion reaction between isocyanate and water.

LIOCAT® 118 is notable for its high tin content in a low viscosity composition, of light color and elevated stability while in storage at low temperatures.
Tin content, %................................. 18 min.

We recommend the use of 0,05 to 0,3 % LIOCAT® 118, based on the desired reaction time for the manufacture of polyurethane-based resins.


It was developed as a catalyst in the manufacture of polyurethane resins and in various types of esterifications. Chemically, LIOCAT® 119 is dibutyl-tin dilaurate and was developed to activate the carboxylic and hydroxylic groups of the reaction components, and also has a more significant catalytic effect on the polymerization reaction between isocyanate and alcohol than on the expansion reaction between isocyanate and water.

LIOCAT® 119 is also fully efficient in the production processes of epoxy resins with fatty acids, in esterifications of rosin and its derivatives with glycerine, and in the production of alkyd resins.
Tin content, % ............................. 13 - 15

We recommend using a minimum of 0.,05 %, increasing the percentage up to 0.,3 %, if necessary.

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