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Products > Paints > Water-based paints: Alkalizing Agent


It is an additive specially developed to be used as an alkalizing agent in waterborne paints where pH adjustments are required. This additive was formulated to be utilized as an option to ammonia or amines, commonly used as pH regulators.

Main benefits:

- Provides washability resistance property (resistance to abrasion), improving the quality level of water systems;
- Eliminates the use of common pH neutralizers, such as ammonia, resulting in odorless or low volatile compound organic (VOC) content paints;
- Easy handling and incorporation;
- Does not influence the odor of paints and additives where it is applied.

In addition, the use of this additive potentiates the thickener utilized in the system, optimizes the amount of thickener in the formulation and eliminates the need to use another additive that has the function to improve the resistance to abrasion by considering the multi-functionality of LIOCOATŪ 949.


The specific dosage of LIOCOATŪ 949 must be determined by previous laboratorial tests and depends significantly on the composition of the several kinds of paints.

Paint stability tests must be implemented to ensure the additive performance and the paint quality.

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