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Products > Paints > Water-based paints: Wetting agents


Anionic emulsifier, based on sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate, used both for the emulsion polymers dispersion, as well as wetting agent for aqueous coatings, printing inks and related systems. It is recommended for systems that are difficult to wet such as: plastics, cellulosic films, aluminum foils and plastic and metal surfaces.

Indicated dosages:

As wetting agent in aqueous coatings and printing inks, we recommend 0,1 – 1,0 % in relation to the total formulation.

As an emulsifier for polymerization, the dosage depends on the quantity and type of monomers, on the production process and characteristics of the emulsion polymers. Normally the recommended range is from 1,0 to 3,0 % in relation to the total monomer content.

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