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Antiwear agent

Compound based on zinc dialkyldithiophosphate- (Zn DTP). Antiwear additives are indicated in lubricant formulations to prevent direct metal-to-metal contact between lubricated surfaces. Its operating mechanism is verified by the formation of a protective film (physical adsorption) between the metallic surfaces.

These are thermostable products as well as auxiliary agents in peroxides decomposition, which is why they are also frequently used as antioxidant and anti-corrosive additives.

Produto: LIOVACŪ 3355

Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate of light yellow coloring with 15,0% sulphur, 6,5% phosphorous and 7,0% zinc. It is soluble in all types of mineral oils.

Indicated as additive for the formulation of multifunctional package for lubrication of internal combustion engines powered by gasoline, VNG, alcohol and diesel.
Its main function is to prevent wear of the metallic parts of the engine, as well as acting as an antioxidant and anti corrosive.

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