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Pour point depressants

The pour point depressor aditive is a chemical compound that decrease the oil freezing temperature caused by the paraffins crystallisation in their composition. Through the formation of a protective film in the external surface of paraffin crystals, the additive change crystal size inhibiting of side growth and maintains the oil in the liquid state.

Can be used in different lubricants oils types, the application of pour point depressor aditive improves the oils properties in lower temperatures and their stability permit that lubricant marketed in different climates.

Produto: LIOVAC® 423

Aditive based in a di-carboxylic alkyl ester copolymer. Excellent thermal stability ideal for shearing is indicated for utilizations in motors oils formulation, hydraulic fluids, automotive gears, among other applications, where the major goal is the economic use of additve that decreases the pour point with the best possible performance.

We recommend dosages of 0.05 to 0.5 % of LIOVAC® 423 (wt) in adequate mineral oils, which must be optimized in laboratorial tests. For doses much larger - for example 1.0 to 1.6% (wt) - may be required in SAE 80W/90 automotive gears oils formulation.

The product LIOVAC® 423 differentiated from others pour point depressor aditive based in methacrylates available in the market, due to its advanced technology based in a di-carboxylic alkyl ester copolymer. In practical terms this means use less quantity of de product for line with expectations results and demands of each type of application, representing economy for the formulator.

It is worth mentioning that are not all base oils have similar properties or present equivalent performance in final lubricants. For that reason, our technical support team is available to support in the definition of the specific dosages, through the e-mail a.tecnica@miracema-nuodex.com.br.

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