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Products > Additives for industrial lubrication

Product: LIOVAX® 2820

A protective based on oxidized paraffin, esterified and combined with barium soaps. Indicated in the formulation of solvent-based industrial protectives.

It presents good demulsifying qualities, good performance in humidity cabinet and excellent resistance to acid fumes and SO2.

Barium content: 4,0%

Product: LIOVAX® 616/50

Oxidized vaseline-based protective neutralized with calcium hydroxide and diluted in aliphatic solvent.

Used in applications where effective protection is required during prolonged exposure of a surface, such as, automobile bodies.

Solids content: 55%


Is Miracema-Nuodex's latest metal surface protector for use under adverse conditions. The great distinguishing characteristic of the product is its waxy composition and zero flammability.

Tests guarantee that, used undiluted, Liovax®616 NI protects the surface where it was applied from salt spray for a minimum of 500 hours, provided that the dried film is at least 80 microns thick.

After evaporation of the solvent, the films formed by the product are highly adherent, guaranteeing great protection for metal surfaces.

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