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Products > Water-based paints: Anti-foaming agents

Water-based paints: Anti-foaming agents

Based on oil, amides and surfactants, Miracema-Nuodex anti-foaming agents are effective both in the dispersion process preventing foam stabilization, as well as in application with rollers, preventing the formation of craters and depressions in dry surfaces.

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Its formulation is stable, without phases separation and balanced with surfactants and hydrophobic particles that endow it with an excellent performance in the production of paints or emulsions in general, as well as in the control of air bubbles formation during the application of water-based paints, thus preventing craters formation in dry surfaces.

Dosage: 0,1 to 0,45% based on the paint total weight, which should be optimized in laboratory.


Formulated through renewable sources, prevents foam stabilization during the production process of paints and emulsions and controls the bubbles build-up during the application of waterborne paints. Its formulation is stable, avoiding defects and loss of gloss on the paint film.

Dosage: 0,1 to 0,45% based on the paint total weight, which should be optimized in laboratory.


Its formulation is based on renewable sources with balanced surfactants and hydrophobic particles.

It has excellent performance preventing foam stabilization during the manufacturing and controling the formation of macro and micro air bubbles during application of water-based paints.
Using the LIOFOAM® 152 obtains an excellent immediate breakdown of the foam without causing loss of brightness and stability of paints. It also assists ineliminating defects at film caused by microfoams, and is readily dispersible and provide optimization of the bottling process.

Dosage: As indicative parameter, we recommend using 0.1 to 0.5%.


It is an antifoam of high performance and its technology is based on raw materials of recyclable soucers, attempting to the global requisites of sustainability, low toxicity and biodegradability. Its main function is inhibit and control formation of foam in waterborne paints, acrylic and vinylic emulsions, dispersions and suspensions. It has balanced formulation which permits utilization of low dosages with high performance, in other words, enhance in benefit-cost.

Dosage: We recommend dosages of 0.05 - 0.25 %, which should be optimized by laboratorial tests.

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