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Products > Solvent-based paints: Dispersants

Solvent-based paints: Dispersants

The dispersant is the additive responsible for keeping the solid-liquid dispersion homogeneous, and if the dispersion is deficient, a series of defects can occur such as: flaking, gloss and coverage losses, change of color, floating and sedimentation, among other things.

After dispersion by shear forces the dispersants keep the primary particles stabilized by two mechanisms:
- Electrostatic Repulsion;
- Steric Impediment;

Products line:


A combination of surface activation agents that work together to provide maximum efficiency in the contact of the vehicle with the pigment in the dispersion, thus effectively acting against subsequent sedimentation.

It has as its main characteristic the multiple functionality of its dispersant, wetting and anti-sedimentation properties, allowing a more economical use of high-cost pigments and improving their performance quality without affecting the dry surface integrity.

Indicated dosages: 2 to 5% based on the quantity and pigment type, which should be optimized in laboratory.


Polymeric dispersant of pigments for solvent-based paints.

Presents the following properties:
- Enhances the dispersing, wetting and deflocculating properties of the grinding vehicle;
- Provides more economical utilization of the pigments, improving performance quality without affecting the dry film integrity;
- Increases the contact efficiency between pigment and vehicle, speeding up dispersion and avoiding subsequent decantation;
- Significantly reduces grinding time, allowing finer grind in the same time space, or the same grinding performance in less time.

Indicated dosage: It is recommended 2 - 5 % based on the quantity and type of pigment utilized.


Technical lecithin prepared for use as anti-sediment agent, dispersant and grinding aid for paints

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