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Cookies Policy – Miracema-Nuodex

What is a cookie?

A cookie is data that a website requests from your browser and is stored as a file on your computer or mobile device. Cookies allow the website to "remember" your actions or preferences over time.

Most Internet browsers accept cookies. Nevertheless, you can configure your browsers to reject certain types of cookies or specific cookies. Additionally, you can delete cookies at any time within a specific browser or across multiple browsers.

This policy applies to the domain(s): www.miracema-nuodex.com.br/

How are cookies used?

Cookies serve to understand and remember how you interact with the content of this website, as well as to enhance your experience when visiting our website. 

For example, certain cookies may remember your language or preferences, eliminating the need to repeatedly make these choices each time you visit our websites. 

Cookies may also enable the presentation of specific content, such as videos or text or images. 

What types of Cookies are used?

First-Party Cookies and Third Party Cookies

We use both first-party cookies and third-party cookies on our website.

First-party cookies are cookies issued by our website’s domain, and are typically used to identify local preferences or facilitate the core functionality of the website.

Third-party cookies are owned and managed by other companies, our company's business partners, or service providers. These cookies may be necessary to generate certain forms or enable some advertising beyond our website.

Session Cookies

Session cookies are temporary cookies that are used to remember you during the course of your visit to the website, and they lose their validity when you close your browser.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies are used to remember your website preferences and remain on your desktop or mobile device even after you close your browser or perform a restart. We use these cookies to analyze user behavior and establish standards so that we can improve the functionality of our website for you and others who visit our website. These cookies also allow us to occasionally deliver targeted advertisements and measure the effectiveness of our website and the functionality of such advertisements.

How are Cookies used for advertising?

Cookies and advertising technologies like web beacons, pixels and tags from ad networks assist us in delivering relevant ads more efficiently. They also help us to collect consolidated data for the purposes of audits, surveys, and performance reports for advertisers. Pixels enable us to comprehend and enhance the delivery of ads to you, and they also inform us when specific ads have previously been displayed to you. Because your browser may request advertisements and web beacons directly from ad network servers, these networks might view, modify, or establish their own cookies, much like when you access a webpage of their website.

While we don’t employ cookies to create profiles of your browsing behavior on third-party websites, we do utilize aggregated data from these third parties to display pertinent advertisements aligned with your interests. We do not provide any information we collect to advertisers. You can choose not to see off-site and/or third-party ads by adjusting your cookie setting. This won’t eliminate ads from the pages you visit, rather, this selection will lead to ads unrelated to your interests. Consequently, the ads you encounter won’t be tailored to your interests through those specific cookies.

How are third-party cookies used?

We employ third-party vendors for certain functions on our website, such as when you visit a page featuring, you visit a video embedded or originating from Facebook. These videos or links (along with any other content from third-party providers) could contain third-party cookies, and we advise you to refer to the privacy policies of these third parties on their websites to learn about their cookie usage.

How do I reject or delete Cookies?

You have the option to decline or block all or specific types of cookies that were set during your visit to our website by selecting the cookie preferences on our website. You can alter your preferences for our website and/or third-party websites by adjusting your browser settings.

It’s important to note that most browsers automatically accept cookies. Hence, if you wish to avoid cookie usage, you need to proactively delete or block cookies. Refusing cookie usage might allow you to access our website, but some functions may not work properly. By using our website without deleting or rejecting some or all cookies, you agree that we may place those cookies that you have not deleted or rejected on your devices.

You can also visit wikipedia.org, www.allaboutcookies.org for more details on how to delete or reject cookies and for additional information about cookies in general.

List of cookies

Cookies Description Retention Category Specific privacy policy
rc::a This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website in order to make valid reports on the use of your website Persistent Essential Privacy
rc::c This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots Session Essential  
__utma It collects data on the number of times a user has visited the website, as well as the dates of the first and most visits. Used by Google Analytics 2 years Statistics Privacy
__utmb Records a timestamp with the exact time the user accessed the site. Used by Google to calculate the duration of a website visit 1 day Statistics  
__utmc Records a timestamp with the exact time the user left the site. Used by Google to calculate the duration of a website visit Session Statistics  
__utmt Used to report the speed of requests to the server 1 dia Statistics  
__utmv Saves user-defined tracking parameters for use in Google Analytics Session Statistics  
__utmz It collects data about where the user came from, which search engine was used, which link was clicked, and which search term was used. Used by Google Analytics 6 months Statistics  

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