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Company > Environmental Management System

Environmental Policy:

Miracema-Nuodex is a company in the chemical industry located in the Municipality of Campinas, state of São Paulo, and it is aware of its responsibility concerning the environment.

It is focused on minimizing the environmental impacts associated with its activities, products and services, particularly the generation of wastes, atmospheric emissions, industrial effluents and the use of natural resources.

It seeks not only to comply with legal requirements and other applicable requirements, but also to prevent pollution and to continuously improve its environmental performance.


- To maintain interaction between the community and the company.
- To promote a far-reaching enhancement of awareness concerning environmental issues among staff.
- To maintain a pro-active relationship with environmental entities.
- To promote continuous improvement of the SGA (Environmental Management System) through establishment and review of environmental goals and objectives.
- To minimize the generation of waste.
To dispose of the waste that is generated in an appropriate manner.
- To maintain active research concerning the reuse of these wastes.
- To optimize the consumption of natural resources.
- To treat industrial effluents.
- To control atmospheric emissions.

Environmental Vision:
To be an active organization committed to the Environment in a sustainable manner.

Environmental Mission:
To improve production processes to minimize the generation of waste and effluents. To continuously seek alternatives for the treatment of effluents and the best ways to dispose the waste generated.

Treatment of Effluents:
1. Liquid Effluent Treatment Station (ETEL):
Miracema-Nuodex spares no effort or investment, either human or financial, when it comes to environmental preservation. The Liquid Effluent Treatment Station demonstrates this concern, since the purpose of the system is the responsible and sustainable consumption of water, a resource that is indispensable to life, which has been the target of campaigns to enhance awareness throughout the world, aimed at preventing its waste or pollution.
The system for the reuse of liquid effluents, allows a reduction of up to 50% in the intake of water from the Capivari River, and also makes possible the reuse of a large amount of the effluents treated, which will go on to other treatment modules that will supplement the current unit, and will be reused in productive activities, and the cleaning of equipment and facilities.

2. Gaseous Effluent Treatment Station (ETEG):
In line with the concept of minimizing impacts on the environment, the Gaseous Effluent Treatment Station is intended to reconcile the increase of productivity with the elimination of the emission of atmospheric pollutants and odors. The initiative prioritizes compliance with the law and dialogue with the community.
The monitoring and control of atmospheric emissions generated during the distillation of fatty acids has a system for gas capturing for incineration in the ETEG.
The ETEG was initially conceived in 2001 with the assessment of environmental aspects and its impacts and with the characterization of the gaseous effluents generated in manufacturing processes.

- Quality Management System

-Environmental Management System

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